Malaysia 2007

“Traveling is not just seeing the new;
it is also leaving behind.
Not just opening doors; also closing them behind you,
never to return.
But the place you have left forever is always there for you,
to see… whenever you shut your eyes

6 Monate Praktikum in Malaysia…

und 1 Monat wieder zurück auf “Besuch”


  1. i like the video…luv you sina!!

  2. nice video…suits my experiences I have made in Malaysia. I just luv that country after having spent 3 yrs there. That’s one kick-ass country (-:

  3. Sina, it will always be a special memories the time we shared together….knowing me is knowing you…
    I cant wait to seeing you again….

    As what these replicas is all about will always be a very meaningful one and unforgettable!!!!

    Happy 2008….

    See you again soon…


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